Basha: A government of lies

25/01/2015 00:00

The opposition leader, Lulzim Basha, attacked the Rama-Meta government
by considering it as a government based on a system of lies and deceits.

During a ceremony for the day of foundation of the Democratic Party, Basha spoke about the public order and the administrative territorial reform, considering these as electoral deceits of the first 100 days, which earned the trust of the Albanian people who voted them but that soon turned into disappointments.

“More jobs were closed. More citizens are on the streets. Prices grew and insecurity prevails. What is their vote? They don’t care, because they think of only two things: the salamandra, with the administrative reform on one side, and the enlargement of the vote stealing scheme on the other”, Basha declared.

The Democratic Party leader also mentioned the Korce vote purchase scandal, as he called it, and considered it a test of the left parties that will be used in the next eelctions, and which would make our country take one step back.

“The Democratic Party, the democrats and the opposition warn that we will not recognize any unilateral product that is related with the administrative reform, and that we will face our government in massive protests. We warn that there will be no elections in Albania without resolving the vote purchase phenomenon”, Basha declared.

During his speech, the opposition leader has valued the work of the Democratic Party founders, declaring that this party will turn back more powerful than before, and that their mission now is to make opposition.

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