Basha: “35% of Democratic Party MPs will come from youth”

08/12/2016 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim basha, said that changes come from oneself, focusing on reinforcing internal democracy.

Today, on the Youth Day, the DP leader met with young residents of the “Student’s Town”, the state managed campus of the University of Tirana, where he promised that 35% of the next DP parliamentary group will be composed by young members

“Freedom starts from our home, the freedom to express your opinion without complexes and without being servants to the leader. You need to be yourself. The biggest force of the DP”, Basha declared.

According to the DP leader, Albanians are expecting a message today from youth, and that message is refusing the current situation of our country. “We refuse to be slaves of an autocracy masked as democracy, of an economy controlled by the power and their clients”, Basha said.

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