The Tirana Prosecution continued interviewing the members of the
Supervisory Council at the Bank of Albania for the investigation of the
713 million ALL. Petraq Milo, Dhori Kule and Ardian Civici were
questioned for about 2 hours each.
Unofficial sources say that their declarations have focused on removing blame from the Supervisory Council and putting it on the former Governor, Ardian Fullani, now being held at Prison 302 in Tirana.
They say that the Supervisory Council has operated without a regulation, which was a functional duty of the Bank Governor, a post that has also caused a lack of control from the Department of Emission.
Due to the busy agenda, Prosecutors have postponed the questioning of Elisabeta Gjoni, currently Governor in Command. She will be questioned for her signatures in orders for destroying millions of ALL, a process that has not been implemented from April to June 2014.
This is where the investigations seem to take a new turn. The Prosecution is signing the requests for taking independent experts who would redo from scratch the Treasury Department.
This investigative action will be taken as soon as possible, due to strong suspicions that the Bank of Albania might not have been sincere in the audit, when they declared that only 713 million ALL were stolen in total.
Prosecutors suspect that the theft is bigger and that Bitraj is not the only author. He might have been helped by Mimoza Bruzia and her nephew, Klevis Bejtaj, and other people who are currently under investigation.
Prosecutors say that there aren’t many chances for 713 million ALL to be hidden in clothes. When asked by Top Channel what mechanism might have been used for the theft, the Prosecution simply said that they are working on it.
If proven, these suspicions might shed light on an even bigger and more shocking scandal.
Top Channel