The Head of the Parliamentary Commission of Economy, Erjon Brace,
criticized the Parliament for delaying the process for appointing the
new Governor of the Bank of Albania, by going beyond the official
“The administration has violated the deadlines for the names. I would ask the General Secretary of the Parliament to take his responsibilities and organize a hearing session with the 15 candidates that have appeared or that have applied at the Parliament”, Brace declared.
The Bank of Albania is being administered in extraordinary conditions for months. The Supervisory Council is in the limits of its legal quorum, while the Bank of Albania is being led by an acting Governor. Mr.Brace says that it is not the Commission the one delaying the process.
“This part of the procedure is followed or organized by the civilian administration of the Parliament. It is still not part of the Commission of Economy and Finances, which is put in motion only after 28 MPs supported with their signatures two or more candidates for hearing them in this commission”, Brace reacted.
The Commission approved the resignation of Ardian Civici from the Bank, leaving it with five out of nine members. For the two remaining members, Petraq Milo and Dhori Kule, there are questions about the post. Brace asked the government to start discharging them.
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