Bank of Albania: “Highest trust in economy for the past 10 years”

16/01/2017 00:00

The Bank of Albania declared that citizens and businesses are showing the highest trust level for the past 10 years.

The bank reports that indicators of economic sensibility were increased with 9.4% just for the fourth trimester.

This has increased the economic optimism with 18.6%, making it stronger for all economic sectors, except for industry.

But the most important part of it is that the trust of consumers has increased. They are more positive about the economic situation, and have even reported improvements of their financial revenues.

Historic data show that in the past 10 years, the only time when the public’s optimism for the economy was higher, was in 2007, when the government started a new reform package for liberalizing economy and reducing taxes, which accelerated the economic growth up to 7.5%.

Bank of Albania experts say even this time, increased trust shows an improvement of the economy, which has been slow for many years now.

A few days ago, INSTAT reported that the economic growth increased to 3.27% until September 2016, from 2.7% that it was for the same period of one year ago.

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