Bank of Albania: “Crisis damaged economy”

10/07/2017 00:00

The political crisis in the second trimester of the year has damaged
trust in the Albanian economy. The Bank of Albania reported that the
economic sensitivity indicator, which measures the perception of
businesses and citizens for the economy, was set back by 9.7 points
during the April-June period.

The bank measures the economic indicator by asking businesses from four sectors: construction, services, industry and commerce. To this result we can add the perception of consumers as well.

According to the bank, the dropped optimism was noticed especially in the service sector, which went down with 18%. The second most affected sector is commerce, which dropped with 3.9%.

For the two other branches of economy, construction and industry, the trust indicator has increased. Citizens also seem more optimistic about the economy and their financial situation.

However, consumers’ trust for construction businesses and industry was not enough to cushion the drop of the service sector, which also remains the highest one in our economy.

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