The members of the Supervisory Council at the Bank of Albania might have
different professional careers and different political affiliations,
but they all share something in common: the highest paid posts in the
public sector.
On top of the list is Dhori Kule, who declared as assets in 2012 nine salaries from nine different institutions, all public ones, as member of boards and councils. A statistic that would be envied by experts throughout the world.
In 2012, Kule has received 55.000 USD in 2012 from all these payments, 10 times more than the average payment of a public employee.
But he is not the only one. His colleague at the Council, Vice Governor of the Bank of Albania, Elisabeta Gjoni, receives even more. Her annual payment mounts up to 68.000 USD, all coming from the public sector in which the average salary goes to 4000 USD annually.
Then there is Elvira Golemi, the General Inspector of the financial control and audit of the Bank, whose job is to not allow thefts. Golemi is paid by the Bank of Albania with 50.000 USD annually.
The other member, Ermelinda Meksi, is paid 37.000 annually by public institutions (the Bank of Albania, the Tirana University and the supplementary pension as former MP).
Ardian Civici and Ela Golemi are paid respectively 22.000 and 27.000 USD annually, while Petraq Milo profited 38.000 USD in 2013 from his jobs at the Bank and the Prime Minister’s office.
The Chairman of the Council, Governor Ardian Fullani, is the most paid man in the Albanian public sector. His payment and perks in 2013 mounted up to 90.000 USD, or 7500 USD monthly.
For a common member of the Supervisory Council, the annual salary is 20500 USD annually, and their duty is to have a meeting twice a month that lasts a few hours. All above-mentioned figures are based on the declarations made by the Council members at the High Institution of Declaration and Audit of Assets.
Top Channel has published only the money coming from the public sector. Most of the members receive dozens of thousands of dollars from the private sector, which puts them on top of the list for the millionaires of the public sector.
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