Ballshi oil workers protest at Ministry of Infrastructure, tension and clashes with police

17/09/2020 15:17

The protest of Ballsh oil workers moved today in front of the Ministry of Infrastructure in Tirana, where clashes and tension with the police forces were reported.

Dozens of protesters gathered in front of the police cordon placards in their hands expressing revolt and demanding their rights as the company where they work did not keep its promise for repayment of arrear wages and resumption of work.

The miners of Bulqiza also joined the protest. They say that if there is no reaction, they will address the Strasbourg Court in demanding their rights.

With face masks on but no social distance from each other they have also encountered physical confrontation with the police, while demanding to enter inside the ministry building. “A man that feels pain is alive, when he feels the pain of another he is a man”, was written on one of the banners of the oilmen.

They have been protesting in Ballsh oil plants for months, as the employing company has not paid their wages. Many oil workers live in economic hardship with their families.



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