Ballsh oil workers continued today their resistance in face to the silence that state institutions are showing about the fate of the refinery.
Today they protested in front of the plant opposing the dismantling of the refinery while demanding transparency from the institutions for their demands.
They say that in recent days, heavy tonnage vehicles have been parked on the premises of the plant, of which the oil workers claim that they will carry out the transport of the plant’s equipment.
The head of the oil workers’ union, Sokol Dautaj, said that the oil workers will not allow the dismantling of the plant, while the payment of arrear wages are also required.
After protesting in front of the plant, the oil workers marched towards the police station.
They said their call for protection of the plant would continue daily with protests, until they get a response from the Energy ministry on the fate of the refinery and oilmen payments.
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