Balla demands more time for Tahiri’s investigative commission

19/02/2018 13:15

The Conference of Chairmen gathered today by request of the Democratic Party, which wants to establish an investigation commission for Saimir Tahiri.

Taulant Balla said that he agrees in principle, but he demanded more time for the decision.

“We agree for the establishing of the investigation commission, but we need to reformulate the draft-decision for the commission. We need some days so that the majority can be legally accurate”, Balla declared.

Edmond Spaho from the Democratic Party said that there was enough time since the request was submitted more than one week ago.

“We are going to investigate matters regarding the former Minister and the interventions of the parliament and the government on this matter. You want the case to not be investigated and Saimir Tahiri to stay untouched”, Spaho declared.

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