Balkan’s unified history

28/03/2013 15:20

“Mutual History Project”, comes with a new edition which is based on
that of 2007, enriched with materials for Kosovo, Bosnia and Montenegro,
as part of Western Balkan.

This initiative has joined scholars and history teachers from the entire region, with the goal to unify the history texts in Balkan schools.

“There have been long discussions and everyone agrees to promote important works from the archives and the press, referring more to sources that are about friendship between Balkan nations, then sources that refer to the long war between these nations”, declared Valentina Duke, a historian of this project.

Mr. Erhard Busek, chairman of the Centre for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe, which is organized this project that started 14 years ago, declared that an important part of this were the different seminaries with history children from Balkan countries.

“We are taking the first steps and we have still much to do, until the final step. The first history book with the cooperation of France and Germany was written in 1945, and was published in 2003. We have moved a bit faster in Southeast Europe, because we have learned how to bring people together through education and knowledge, which is something I want to reiterate”, Mr.Busek declared.

More than 100 teachers from the entire region have been trained regarding this methodology. which aims to become part of the alternative history texts which teachers use during the students’ preparation.

The Minister of Education, Myqerem Tafaj, declared that this is an important initiative for the education system and invited organizers to keep contributing for training history teachers in Albania.

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