Balkan countries have a great chance to access EU in 2025, but their problems may create delays

10/01/2018 20:23

EU is trying to set 2025 as the deadline for new countries to join the Union, but disagreements in Western Balkan may interrupt the process.

EUObserver writes that EU partners in the region have a historic chance right now. They remind that for the first time, the accession perspective has a specific deadline.

The draft, which EUObserver has obtained before the strategy passes in February 14th, shows that through the strong political will, real reforms and stable solutions with neighbours, Montenegro and Serbia should be ready for accession in 2025.

“Albania, Bosnia and Macedonia should have advanced by then with their negotiations”, the article underlines.

However, the document presented by Jean Claude Juncker says that there will be no enlargement in the near future. On the other hand, problems between Balkan countries may even postpone what has been considered an “ambitious deadline” of 2025.

EU, says the draft, doesn’t want to import their disagreements into the union, and this is why Western Balkan partners need to resolve these problems with a sense of urgency.

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