Audit for all concessions

23/11/2013 00:00

The Albanian government will start a detailed audit of all concessionary
agreements signed by the previous government in the last years.

The Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Enterprising, announced that interest groups have notified them of several concessions given to different sectors which damage free competition and put benefiting businesses in dominating conditions.

For this reason, the Minister of Economic Development, Arben Ahmetaj, asked all Ministries that have given concessions to bring a list of all agreements with all the accompanying regulations and legal packages.

In his letter, Minister Ahmetaj asked the identification of practices that could have exclusivity elements which limit market competition. The full list of concessions with the accompanying packages and signalization from the respective ministries will be object of a detailed analyze at the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Enterprising, to verify the impact of several agreement clauses in the functioning of the market and good competition.

If it will be proved that agreements could have unjust exclusivity elements, this ministry will present a package of measures that need to be taken for eliminating monopoly elements and to guarantee free competition in every sector.

The Ministry of Economic Development says that the decision for auditing these concessionary agreements comes after some business representatives submitted complaints about the practices followed for winning the agreements.

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