Asylum seekers return home from Germany on their own will, Albanians top the list

28/12/2016 00:00

A record-breaking number of 55.000 immigrants have left Germany on their
own will during this year, more than double the number of those who
were deported. The German daily “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” said that most of
these refugees are from Western Balkan, with Albanians leading them
with 15.000 in total.

Serbs, Iraqi and Kosovo citizens who have returned are at around 5000. Germany registered a record-breaking number of asylum seekers last year, 890.000 in total, the highest number since WWII.

Germany deported 25.000 during 2016, while each day more are returning on their own will. The German government is committed to escalate the norms of returning emigrants, especially after Chancellor Angela Merkel received harsh critics.

However, international laws don’t allow deportation of refugees to areas where they could face high risks of war and persecution.

However, the EU doesn’t have yet an approved list of countries considered safe. Every country decides individually about who they are going to deport.

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