Assembly approves with 97 votes in favor of the amendments to the draft law on Albanian citizenship

21/09/2023 21:11

The amendments to the draft law on citizenship were approved today with 97 votes in favor, out of the required 84, in the Assembly of Albania.

The changes in the draft law were proposed by the Minister of the Interior, Taulant Balla, in order that the citizens of Kosovo and North Macedonia, who have the Albanian language as their native language, do not have to undergo a test on the Albanian language and history. to obtain citizenship.

The goal, according to the minister, is to create the opportunity for sports talents who were born or live outside of Albania, so by activating them in the youth teams of our red and black national team, to be equipped with the Albanian passport even when they have not reached the age of 18.

Likewise, the Assembly approved with 76 votes in favor, 3 against and 3 abstentions, the draft law on private pension funds.

Meanwhile, the constitutional court salary changes were postponed at the request of DP’s Jorida Tabaku. This bill required 84 votes.

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