Arvizu: Important to implement reforms

05/09/2011 20:10

The US Ambassador, Alexander Arvizu, commented about the new
Parliamentary session by appealing all political parties to cooperate,
despite their deep divisions.

After the first session for this season of the Albanian Parliament, Arvizu emphasized that it is important to start the reforms as soon as possible.

“I am honored of having participated in the opening session of the Albanian Parliament. No one said it would be simple, but it has to start somewhere. I found encouragement in both parties, because they had the opportunity to express their stances”, Arvizu declared.

The US diplomat commented about a series of issues, starting with the OSCE-ODIHR report and recommendations, and the readiness of the ruling party for cooperating with the opposition, and even about the Wikileaks cables.

“We should not pretend that there were no serious problems coming out from the OSCE ODIHR report. It is important that both sides recognize that it is important to act together in some reform issues”.

Cooperation– “It is something I mentioned to the Prime Minister before. It is that although the ruling majority has more seats in Parliament, paradoxically, given the divide that exists in the country at a national level, I think it is very important for the ruling side to try and make as many accommodations for the opposition, as many compromises possible. Of course, the opposition has to do its part. But given the situation, it is more important for the majority to try to give as many compromises possible”.

Recommendations and reforms – “Take for example the OSCE-ODIHR recommendations. I think we have to be realistic. There is a very big divide between the opposition and the ruling party. Both of them, the Prime Minister and the Opposition leader said they welcome the participation of European bodies, such as the Commission of Venice and OSCE-ODIHR. But Albania is a sovereign country and the Albanians are to decide how to run their own country, but if there are sincere organizations eager to help, to offer expertise and their previous experience, it is very important. It is important that the reforms should be started and fulfilled, to make sure that the opposition and the Albanian people really feel that this is progress.”

Wikileaks – “Regarding the Wikileaks controversy, you know that our official position is that we don’t comment anything related to Wikileaks. Many of the items that have been published are debatable, punished by law in the USA. People are going to form their own opinion about what has been reported, and from my point of view, people have to form their own opinions and their own conclusions. I have no issues with that, but I have something else I want to comment about. One thing that has been reported in Albania in the last couple of days, which made me feel uncomfortable. Some reports, comments, descriptions about calling some people spies or informants. For people who talk this way, who think this way, and act this way, I am very disappointed. I thought the days of “Sigurimi” were behind. I don’t worry, because even though some would act like “Sigurimi” in the old days, these are people who are looking back in time and history, not the kind of people who are going to lead this country forwards. I am confident that everyone in Albania wants to move this country forward, and USA will be there to support.”

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