Arvizu: Elections connected to EU

13/04/2011 19:35

Attending the conference of the Albanian Council for Foreign Relations, US ambassador Alexander Arvizu reminded the Albanian political factor that the road towards EU is strictly connected to May 8th local elections by the way they will be handled, including transparency.

“I have often heard local executives and voters saying that the excessive partial political climate in Tirana, what we call political stalemate, is preventing these parties to offer good services in the local administration. US, EU and OSCE ODIHR are observing these elections very closely as Albania’s road to EU”, Arvizu declared.

“ODIHR valued the significance of these elections, agreeing with the presence of a complete observing mission, involving 300 short-term observers. All this is because these elections, although local, have a very national significance. I would say even regional and international significance. The US government will spend 350,000 USD to support these elections, mainly for training the local observers”, he added.

US ambassador Arvizu, underlining the importance of these elections, quoted Mr. Obama:

“We, the people, have in our hands the power to elect our leaders, to change our laws and to modify our destinies. Translated to the May 8th election terminology, what I am saying is that Albanians should evaluate the different candidates and vote as they should”, Arvizu said.

“As for the International Community role, specifically that of US, I want to be very clear that we are not judges or arbiters. We do not have an official role on these elections. This role belongs to the different electoral commissions, the Election Central Commission and the Election College”, the ambassador underlined.

Mr. Arvizu evaluated that these elections are a small step of Albania towards EU and the full integration in the Euroatlantic community.

Arvizu appealed for a serious and intelligent debate, away from offences and unpleasant epithets.

The US ambassador discussed on other matters regarding justice and war against corruption, and he also advised the Parliament to change the Constitution and remove the protection through immunity.

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