Arvizu: Cautioun with elections

07/03/2013 00:00

US Ambassador Alexander Arvizu chose the Facebook page of Act Now to
have a dialogue with the Albanian citizens, who made a series of

During the conversation that lasted more than 60 minutes, there was a special interest on the elections of June 23rd. When asked about the rules that should be followed for these elections, Arvizu gave this response.

“It is important for rules to be established ahead of time and for people to observe them. Invariably, some questions or controversies will arise – the important thing is for those involved in establishing the dispute resolution mechanisms to ensure that they are timely, transparent, objective, and fair. Only if this is done, will the public have confidence in the results”, Arvizu declared.

The Ambassador was also asked about the way how the elections would be evaluated.

“The Albanian people deserve to have an election that is free and fair. Our assessment will be objective based on what we observe prior to, during, and after the election”, Arvizu declared.

Arvizu expressed his concern about the daily rhetoric of the Albanian politicians.

I agree that dueling press statements every day by the political parties does not contribute to building the kind of political consensus that Albania sorely needs. To increase constructive dialogue, the Embassy is supporting a series of structured pre-election debates by youth representatives of five political parties. Watch the ACT Now! Facebook page for more details”, the Ambassador declared.

Despite the persistence of some users about the majority’s decision to vote the integration laws through a referendum, Arvizu refused to answer, but supported the declaration of Mr.Fule.

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