Arrests of Imams dim celebrations in kosovo

04/10/2014 00:00

The believers of the biggest mosque in Prishtina say they have never seen fewer people for celebrating Kurban Bayram.

The absence of the Imam of this mosque, hodja Shfeqet Krasniqi, who is under arrest for inciting terrorism, has reduced the interest of believers to pray in that mosque.

Muslim believers are convinced in his innocence, and pray that all other imams are liberated. Citizens say that the religion has been involved in politics and vice-versa recently. They appeal for this to stop and set the Imams free.

“We all miss them. We must honor Imams. We must be more careful when accusing them, because they were educated under the guidance of God. Politics must stay away from religion and religion must stay away from politics, because they have nothing to do with each other”, says Isuf Musliu, a citizen.

“I think they have arrested him without any order. I cannot believe that he is the opponent of the Islamic religion or of any other. He was religious”, a citizen says.

“Justice must act upon everyone. If they are innocent, may God help them. If they are guilty, let the justice do its job. I hope that justice will find only the truth”, another citizen says.

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