Arrest of Peruvian former Minister

11/01/2013 00:00

Peruvian media outlets state that Interpol Tirana has arrested Manuel
Augusto Blacker Miller, former Foreign Minister under President
Fujimori, involved in a coup in Peru during 1992.

These newspapers don’t quote their sources, but only the arrest. More mystery was added to the case after Interior Ministry official sources said for Top Channel that the news was untrue and that Interpol Tirana has not arrested any person with that name and that there is no international warrant.

Non-official police sources declared for Top Channel that Miller was arrested in Albania on January 10th and released until his position will be clarified on Monday. Same sources state that Interpol France has frozen his extradition procedure, arguing that the charges are politically oriented.

Until this confusion will be clarified about the Peruvian former Minister now turned into a businessman, other suspicions rise about his arrival in Albania. Peruvian media report that he has been staying in Albania since September 2012.

Since Albania has the safest system, there are suspicions on how he was allowed to enter the country with an international arrest warrant against him, regardless what he claims against those charges.

Miller’s arrest only seven months after arriving in Tirana will cast even more shadows of doubt for his relations with the Albanian state authorities. “” writes that he moved to Miami on 15 November 2002, where he opened three businesses.

10 years later, on 26 September 2012, Interpol declared that Miller, sentenced in absence to 15 years in prison, travelled from New York to Rome on September 9th on board of the “Alitalia” flight numbered 510/507, using a passport numbered 4698977.

According to “”, one day after he arrived in Tirana, on 2 October 2012, Interpol Tirana notified the central Interpol headquarters about his arrival. The same newspaper says that Interpol Tirana arrested Miller on January 10th 2013.

The Peruvian media quote the General Prosecution of Peru saying that Miller should have not been allowed in Albania and that he should return to the USA, where the extradition procedures are still undergoing.

“Apolonia Investments” reacts

After the news that the Peruvian former Foreign Minister was arrested, the company Apolonia Investments, led by Manuel Augusto Blacker Miller, has reacted with a press release.

The company explains that he arrived in Albania on September 10 2012 to continue the investments of the Fier waste management implant, an effort started on February 2012.

He led the Apolonia Investment activities since its creation, on July 2012. The declaration explains Millers’ stay in the USA from 2002 to 2012, before coming to Albania. At this time he has met the Mayor of Fier, Baftjar Zeqo, in New York.

The declaration says that the company has followed all legal procedures in Albania and they own copies of all the documents received by the government and municipalities.

In this short summary of the activities and legal procedures against him it is stated that the Supreme Court dropped all charges against Black Miller in 2009.

The declaration concludes that on January 10th, Blacker Miller has independently visited the Tirana Emigration Police offices on his own will to check his Albanian visa.

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