As notified by Top Channel, Ardi Veliu was appointed the new Chief of Police. Rama signed the proposition of the Interior Minister, Fatmir Xhafaj, appointing him chief of Police. He will replace Haki Cako, who was released from his duty on January 8th.
Veliu was appointed “First Director” in the competition that was held on January 24th. This was the only legal obstacle that didn’t allow him to be appointed for this duty.
Veliu has graduated from the Skanderbeg Military High School, after which he attended the Military Academy and the Police Academy.
Later he attended studies at the Turkish Police Academy in Ankara. He also has graduated for business management and from law school.
One of the most important duties during his career as Chief of the Vlore Police, followed by Chief of Precinct Police in Durres, Vice Director of the Tirana Police, Director of the Traffic Police, Director of the Tirana Police.
In 2007, Veliu left the police forces on his request. During the next seven years, he worked as Director of the Municipal Police in Vlore, during Shpetim Gjika’s term as Mayor.
In 2013 he returned to the police, now General Director.
Top Channel