Antidrug operation in Brescia, Balili’s collaborators arrested

21/09/2016 00:00

After five years of investigations and arrests, the Guardia di Finanza
of Brescia, in Northern Italy, concluded the international anti-drug
operation, “Ring New”.

99 persons have been arrested in total, many of them Albanian and Greek. 196 others are being prosecuted. Five criminal organizations have been destroyed in total, 5 tons of narcotics have been destroyed, with a total value of 1 million EUR and 550.000 Euros in cash.

The network was being led by a group of Albanians, who were cooperating with notorious criminal organizations, such as the “Sacra Corona Unita”, “Camorra” and “Ndrangheta”. The leaders appear to be the brothers Dhimiter and Xhevahir Poti, who have been arrested in Belgium this May.

The heroin and cocaine arrived from southern America in trucks, together with important fruits and vegetables.

The cannabis cultivated in Albania was being transported to Greece and Puglia, and then distributed from Naples, Brescia and Rome, covering the markets of the entire country.

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