Amnesty, more than 1000 prisoners will be released

07/12/2016 00:00

The Council of Ministers passed this Wednesday a draft of the Ministry of Justice for the New Year’s amnesty.

All pardons were approved unanimously and the law is expected to enter in effect 15 days after it will be published on the Official Bulletin.

More than 80% of convicts throughout the country will have their sentence reduced, except for those punished with life in prison, crimes against the life of a person, or serious sexual crimes.

Everyone who was sentenced to two years in prison, until December 31st of this year, and all investigations for 2-year-sentence punishments will be suspended.

Those convicts who have two years left from their sentence will also be released.

Women above 55 and men over 60, who have not been sentenced before, will also be released immediately, if they are sentenced for crimes covered by the amnesty.

People who have committed crimes while being under 18, and those with terminal diseases or with physical problems, will also be released.

One year will be taken off every convict, despite of their crime.

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