Amnesty continues; After the release of 780 prisoners, another 107 seek being set free

18/06/2024 16:03

Almost 2 months after the release of 780 convicts who benefited from the latest criminal amnesty, another 107 during this time have turned to the Albanian courts with the same request, say the authorities.

The Supreme Judicial Council announced to Top Channel that in this list, applicants for benefits from amnesty stand out protagonists who put justice to the test before, such as Fatjon Murati, who after a massacre in his bar with one person killed and five injured, was found to have violated house arrest.

Ex-officer Sokol Canameti, investigated by the SPAK prosecutor’s office for corruption, is also seeking a reduction in his sentence after it was discovered that he had received money for the release a drug convict.

But although it is considered one of the most extensive amnesties, the rules continues to remain unclear and their implementation is not transparent. Hundreds of criminal cases are reported to be dismissed in courts and prosecutor’s offices, according to the category of offenses that are amnestied.

The first problem that was discovered by the amnesty is the non-disclosure of the decisions by the Albanian judiciary, what is now required from the convicted in court.

On the other hand, in the Court of Appeal, there are complaints from prisoners who according to the crime they have committed, benefit from amnesty. But even for this phenomenon, there are no official or approximate data available due to the different positions held by the prosecutors.

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