The Albanian politics has been involved in a debate recently about
Netherlands making a request to have the visa regime returned for our
country, after an article published by “De Telegraaf”.
The Albanian Ambassador to Netherlands, Adia Sakiqi, was today on Top Channel’s studio, clarifying that such a report doesn’t exist.
“This is not a report, but a newspaper article. It was a short article in which a police officer was being interviewed. I was surprised when I saw the article translated as a report in some Albanian media. It said that there is a memo, and it is normal for a memo to exist at the police. But it is no report”, the Ambassador clarified.
When asked if there was any danger for the visa regime to be back on with the Schengen member countries, Sakiqi sees it as very difficult, since this decision is taken by many countries, not just by Netherlands.
“This danger does not exist. It is a decision of several countries. There has never been a request of Dutch authorities. I inquired and I was guaranteed that such a report doesn’t exist”, she said.
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