Alliance for the Future of Kosovo demands early elections

01/04/2017 00:00

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo declared that the government of
Prime Minister Isa Mustafa has not kept the promises made to its
citizens. For this reason, the AFK says Kosovo needs early elections as
soon as possible.

MP Time Kadrijaj from the AFK said for IndeksiOnline that the government has failed in seveeral areas.

“100.000 citizens have abandoned the country since this government came to power. MPs were imposed to vote the Special Court, which will punish Albanians for supposed crimes committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army. They signed a damaging agreement for the association of Serbian communes and demarkation with Montenegro. The Constitutional Court confirmed that every article of the Association falls against the Constitution”, she said.

Kadrijaj said that the demarkation with Montenegro gives the neighboring country a lot of Kosovo territory.

“200.000 signatures from the people have opposed this agreement. It was the biggest popular protest after the war. However, an ignorant and irresponsible government is ignoring the popular requests”, she said.

“The people of Kosovo deserve a responsible government. Deserve their own army and an economic and social stability. Our people deserve free movement, rather than being isolated from every other country, because this government cannot bring even this. The sooner this government leaves, the better it is for the country”, she concluded.

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