Alliance against waste import

23/10/2011 15:15

A group of intellectuals and associations from the civil society, among
them the former President Alfred Moisiu, created the Alliance Against
Waste Import.

The goal of this alliance is to prevent the waste import in Albania, by asking the elimination of Article 49 of the law for managing waste materials, approved some weeks ago by the Parliament only with the votes of the majority, which was strongly opposed by the opposition.

“Allowing these imports is against the national strategy for a stable development. We often hear our government peaking about tourism development, and such laws are contradictory to the objectives that have been declared as national strategies, exactly by the governments that approve these laws”, declared the analyst Blendi Kajsiu.

Activist Kozara Kati, from the Albanian Group of Human Rights declared that this part of the law is a macabre infringement of the human rights.

The Scholar Ardian Klosi spoke about the significance of a resistance from the citizens for this law, same as with the demolition of the Pyramid.

Fatos Lubonja made comparisons with the regime of Enver Hoxha, who didn’t ask anyone when he built the Elbasan Metallurgy and the Fier Nitrogen Plant.

“If Berisha would take a decision for his family, he would never do what he did for our big house. He would never allow his house to become the place where the neighbors throw their rubbish. He has sold everything, and now that he has no revenues for keeping power, he wants to throw garbages on our yard, in exchange of money”, declared Fatos Lubonja.

The Alliance Against Waste Import did not exclude the possibility of addressing to the Constitutional Court for the law in question and even a national referendum.

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