Albanians spend less time in entertainment

02/12/2012 00:00

Albanians don’t spend much time for entertainment or voluntary works.
The latest INSTAT study, supported by UNFPA, shows that the Albanian
population from 20 to 74 spends only 1 minute per day in entertainment
and 2-3 minutes each day for helping others.

Reading and sport are the area in which the Albanians spend less time. A study shows that only 5-8 minutes per day are dedicated to reading. The sport occupies a bigger space in the males’ time, 20-27 minutes each day. This study shows that women and men have a big payment difference between each other.

Men spend 69% of their time in a paid work, while the female 38% of their time. The biggest change is felt in the houses, where the females spend 2.5 hours a day cooking, 2 hours for cleaning and ironing. Compared to the men, they spend more time in house chores and taking care of the children. Although the time that fathers spend with their children has increased in the last year, the females are always the ones to keep the burden of the household chores.

The study shows that the women with young children work 2-3 hours more than the men, in average. But in special days, the women with children younger than 7 years old an and who have to work 8 hours a day, are occupied in five hours of unpaid work each day, mounting it to 17.

The Albanians spend more time in sleeping and eating than Slovenia or Sweden. 12 hours of the day are spent in sleeping, eating and personal hygiene.

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