Albanians not looking for charity, but for solutions

12/06/2015 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, continued his electoral tour
in Cerrik and Peqin. He said that it has happened for a government to
not keep every promises, but it has never happened that a government
goes on the opposite direction of what they had promised, and this is
what has happened, according to him, with the Rama-Meta government.

Basha underlined that they promised to reduce the energy price, but they raised it same as they did with the price of oil, with taxes, unemployment and poverty.

“They think they can use a sack of flour or cash to buy the poverty they created in these two years. They created dramas for mothers and women, who were taken in prison because they were connecting energy for their sick children. Others were donating blood because they couldn’t pay for energy. Thousands of others are unemployed, without hopes, looking for a loaf of bread for their children. This is the reality, these are the problems, the unemlpoyment, the poverty, the economic crises, the tragedy caused by the Rama-Meta duo who came in Parliament with big promises two years after. The violated dignity of family leaders is not on sale on June 21st. They will punish with vote everyone that did this to them”, Basha declared.

Basha expressed his determination and that of the Democratic Party to fight until they realize their promises to reduce taxes, prices and to create new jobs.

“We will fight until the end to reduce the energy price with 25%, to pardon the delayed payments, to increase salaries and pensions to increase the social welfare, and to return to the list of social welfare everyone who was removed unjustly. We will help those in difficulties by reducing with 20% the prices of flour, rice, sugar, oil, eggs, milk and meat by removing VAT”, Basha declared.

According to Basha, the fate of the June 21st battle is not decided by the threats of Edi Rama or by the dirty money of crime.

“We can make this crisis come to an end. We have the vision, the determination, and with your vote we will open another path. This is the path of lower taxes, of lower energy price while now it is twice more than in any other country in Balkan. The funds for agriculture will be three times higher”, Basha declared.

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