“Albanians are noble people, but not their leaders”

01/11/2011 20:15

“The Albanians are noble people, but I don’t think the same about their
leaders. While Albania is progressing with its economic development, the
political clashes between the main forces leave much to desire”,
declared the former Minister for Europe in the British Government,
Dennis McShane.

“Tirana should achieve political stability, rather than organizing protests each time that someone doesn’t like what Mr. Berisha does and people get killed. The Albanian economy is doing well and the Albanians are very good people, but when they have to do with politics, it is very regrettable”, McShane declared.

As for the political developments in Kosovo, McShane declared that Serbia and Kosovo cannot have constructive dialogue while the Serbian state takes funds from the EU and still finances the parallel structures in Northern Kosovo. For this reason, I appeal the EU to stop the funds for Serbia.

“The European Union gives 200 million EUR per year to support Serbia, and Serbia gives more than 200 million EUR to support the parallel structures in Kosovo. For this reason, I appeal the European Union to stop giving this money. Kosovo is a victim of the political powers, not only for Serbia. This is related with the fact that the UN is not recognizing Kosovo. The international community refuses to recognize Kosovo, rather than rewriting the Resolution 1244, which is one of the worst texts ever written in the history of the United Nations.”

He added that Kosovo is a victim of the double standards of the greatest powers. He also spoke about Dick Marty’s report, saying that there is nothing true in those confirmations.

“After leaving the Council of Europe and the Swiss political scene, he had visited Belgrade some days before. This is a very interesting fact. This is one of the most scandalous and most shameful episodes of the European Council history, which allowed this report that had no evidence at all”.

McShane declared that Belgrade cannot rule Kosovo anymore, and this is privately admitted even by the Serbian leaders. But he says that Tadic speaks differently in Belgrade and differently in Brussels.

McShane’s visit in Kosovo came a few days after he published his book “Why Kosovo is still important”. In this book, the former British Minister gives facts for the reasons why Kosovo is still important for the west.

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