Albanian weapons in the Democratic Republic of Congo

23/11/2012 00:00

After the rebels of the M23 army seized the city of Goma, in the east of
the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Reuters reporters brought images
showing that the Congolese army was using Albanian arms, such as 120 mm
missiles that have come out of the Albanian depots and ended up on the
hands of the Congolese.

A rebel soldier shows the missiles with Albanian inscriptions on them. The Albanian weapons are supplying a very old and very bloody conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in a time when there is an embargo to this country for trying to stop the conflict. But the embargo was broken by the Albanian weapons.

The Albanian army has a very large amount of 120 mm missiles, and they were being dismantled until the Gerdec explosion took more than two dozens of lives. After that it continued in the military plants in Gramsh, Polican, Skrapar and other polygons appointed by the government.

A few months ago the Albanian Parliament was involved in a debate after MP Erjon Brace accused the Ministry of Defence of conducting arm traffic by sending a colossal quantity of arms to a Serbian Company in Montenegro.

With the restart of the conflict at the Democratic Republic of Congo, the president of which is Laurent Kabila, the images are bringing Albanian weapons that are causing victims and feeding a bloody conflict in this troubled area.

The fear of a wide civil war has returned in Congo, after rebels seized the eastern city of Goma by the rebel forces.

One month after the UN Security Council declared that they would put sanctions on the leaders of the rebel movement, M23 and everyone else who violates the embargo of weapons in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the rebels took Goma under control and refuse to leave.

Their occupation obliged the UN forces to withdraw. Thousands of people are fleeing after the M23, which is believed to be financed by Rwanda, seized the city of Goma.

Ministry of Defence: Missiles sold legally

The Ministry of Defence declared that this is not a law violation, since the missiles to the DR Congo were sold legally.

Officials of this ministry declared that the UN are aware of this activity and that there is no arms embargo for DR Congo.

“The Ministry of Defence clarifies that there is no scandal or any news in here. The arms sale to the DR Congo is legal and reported to the UN. The missiles were used by the DR Congo veterans, and everything is according to the law. If the rebels have taken these arms, it is not our responsibility”, a MD official declared.

The MD official accused Top Channel as  the first TV that broadcasted the news for the Congo missiles on malicious purposes on the verge of Albania’s 100th year of independence.

“Top Channel’s images come on the verge of the 100th anniversary of independence and after Albania received good evaluations from the NATO General Secretary, Anders Fogh Rasmussen for its role in global peace and security”, the official added.

Top Channel answers to the Defence Ministry

Top Channel explains that the news report broadcasted images of Albanian arms in the DR Congo conflict, same as they came from the news agency, Reuters.

As regards the claims of this Ministry, Top Channel asks the Ministry to ask the Congo rebels and Reuters why they chose exactly this day to broadcast images of Albanian weapons in the Congo conflict, which has caused all these victims.

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