Same as before during these years, the Albanian weightlifting delegation
had no doctor with them, which is very important for international
Vladimir Gjonaj, Director of Sports at the Ministry of Education and Sports, declared that this is a competence of the Federation. They judge when trainers and doctors are needed.
Sportsmen in every other country undergo an anti-doping test ordered by the Anti-Doping Commission of the respective country. The Director of Sports, who is also a member of the national Commission of Anti-Doping, says that our players have not been asked for any test before going to Kazakhstan.
“No tests were made before the event. The Federation should be the first to ask the test, since it is economically difficult to make tests before every activity”, explained the Director of Sports.
In most of the European countries, the Anti-Doping commission is independent. Director Gjonaj explains that in Albania it is independent too, and the law for sports says that this is simply a consultative structure of the Ministry that has no executive competences.
Gjonaj joined the declaration of the National Olympic Committee of Albania, saying that the usage of prohibited substances by the sportsmen will be included in the Criminal Code.
“Spotrsmen, coaches or medics who try to reach undeserved results will be sanctioned by fines or prison”.
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