The Kalendari Kombiar, (National Calendar), one of the biggest works of the National Renaissance, has been republished with all of its four volumes for the 105th anniversary of independence.
The publisher, ALSAR Foundation, presented it to scholars, commemorating this way an important group of Renaissance writers, such as Kristo Luarasi, Kosta Trebicka, Shahin Kolonja, Mit’hat Frasheri, and other collaborators.
Academic Rexhep Qosja was unable to attend this presentation, due to health problems, but the Director of the Albanogy Institute in Prishtina held a speech on this behalf.
“You are inaugurating a great work that is giving back to our careless memory, especially as regards the past 20 years, the names of Kristo Luarasi, Mit’Hat Frasheri and many others”, Hysen Matoshi declared.
“The key words of this calendar are: Nation, Motherland, Albanian Language and Albanian School”,” said Seit Mancaku, a linguist.
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