Albanian President reacts about maritime border agreement with Greece

31/01/2018 19:48

The President of Albania, Ilir Meta, reacted for the first time about the maritime border agreement with Greece.

Meta declared on social networks that he is following the matter very closely and that as President, he will act by respecting the Constitution and his public, political and legal responsibilities.

“Dear commenters, I agree with your concern, encouraged by various declaration and news regarding Albania’s maritime border agreement with Greece. I am following the matter with special interest, but without haste. I guarantee you that as President of the Republic of Albania, I will act based on the constitution and by respecting my political, legal and public responsibilities on this matter. The relations with Greece are very important and treating them with transparency and in harmony with the constitution, with the international laws and mutual interests of both countries, would contribute positively for a stronger, more stable progress”, Meta declared.

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