Albanian President, Bujar Nishani, congratulation message to Trump

20/01/2017 00:00

The Albanian President, Bujar Nishani, congratulated the 45th President of the USA, Donald J. Trump.

“You excellency, your inauguration has the 45th President of the USA gives me the pleasure to give the best wishes of the Albanian people and wish you success ini completing your presidential commitments”, Nishani said in his message.

The President expressed his gratitude for everything the US has done in support of the Albanian people, and expressed his conviction that the strategic partnership will improve even more during his presidency.

“The USA represent to Albania the main strategic partner and friend, and I guarantee you that Albania will still be on your side for realizing the agenda against ISIS and international terror, and also for improving the Euro Atlantic agenda”, Nishani continued.

Hoping to meet him, Nishani expressed his highest considerations for President Trump.

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