Albanian President and PM react on Libya

20/10/2011 18:25

The two highest representatives of the Albanian State, President Bamir
Topi and the Prime Minister Sali Berisha greeted the elimination of the
Libyan dictator, Muammar Gaddafi, an event that means the end of the war in Libya.

The President declared that this event will leave behind great sufferings, and ends one of the longest dictatorships in the world. Topi added that for Libya now lays ahead a clear perspective of peace and democracy.

Reacting almost on the same time, the Prime Minister Sali Berisha expressed his pleasure for the end of the Libyan conflict, although he declared that it would have been better if Gaddafi was caught alive and brought to justice.

Berisha considered Gaddafi’s elimination as a much expected event for the Libyan people and the entire world.

As a NATO member, Albania was part of the coalition that attacked the dictator’s troops, giving its help for the victory of the democratic forces. Although without air striking capacities, our country authorized the usage of the air space for the war against Libya, which was not used during these operations.

It is not clear if the Ministry of Defense will send Albanian troops in Libya, if there will be the need for peacekeeping missions in the country.

Colonel Gaddafi, the man who ruled Libya for 42 years, was killed during the day as he led the last remaining troops that were protecting Sirta, the town where he was born.

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