A dead body was found today in the MEK camp in Manzë of Durrës, near the capital, after violent resistance of the residents to a general check of the premises required by the authorities.
There are dozens of injured, with breathing problems, eye burns, while others are being treated with oxygen in the camp, after the clashes that started when the police raided the camp for an inspection.
While accusing the police of the death of their member, the members of the camp told the media that they will take the case to court.
The State Police encountered resistance from residents inside the MEK camp, during checks following an order from the Special Court against Corruption and Organized Crime.
The police used tear gas, due to the residents’ resistance, while the Ashraf camp press spokesman, Shahriar Kia, said that one of the residents was killed by the security forces. The police have not yet issued an official announcement.
Iranian spokesman Shahriar Kia politicized the situation saying: A resident of Ashraf was killed by the police attack. This move is only to appease the Iranian mullahs who are falling from power. This action is similar to the one on June 17 that took place in Paris, but this one is on the territory of Albania. This is one of the blackest days for Albania. What I wrote to you is not the official position of the Ashraf authorities, but what the residents of the camp say. Now the situation of the residents of Ashraf is very dangerous”.
Tnsions have increased inside the camp, where MEK members are protesting against the situation created by the police controls. The windows of the police cars were broken by the members of the camp.
The ispection order is reported to come within the framework of the fight against terrorism and the prevention of cyber attacks. Many of the residents of the camp housing the Iranian opposition have been escorted and interrogated, later being released.
Currently, about 3,000 members of the Iranian political group MEK, described as the Iranian opposition in exile, are estimated to live in Camp Ashraf-3 in Manze, west of Tirana. The Mujahideen as the militant opposition is known, started coming to Albania in 2013 after an agreement with the then Albanian government, led at the time by Sali Berisha.
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