Albanian parties in Macedonia announced today a unified state-forming platform

07/01/2017 00:00

The Albanian parties in Macedonia, BDI, Besa, Alliance for Albanians and
the Albanian Democratic Party, announced their joint commitment to
guarantee the realization of their national rights, during the next
government, through mutual support and based on the Ochrid Agreement
spirit and on the Constitution of Macedonia.

As warned by Top Channel, the Albanian parties have united with their requests, as a state-forming factor. The parties demand:

“We demand an efficient implementation of constitutional multi-ethnicity laws, which recognizes Albanians as a state-forming population. Ethnic equality. Complete language equality. Albanian language should be used in all governing levels. Its usage should be guaranteed as a basic and constitutional right. The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia must define that the Macedonian language with Cyrillic alphabet and the Albanian language with its alphabet are the official languages in the Republic of Macedonia”.

The Albanian parties also want an all-inclusive debate about the flag, the hymn and the state emblem of Macedonia, so that they also reflect the social multi-ethnicity and ethnic equality. They demand full support for the Special Prosecution and a full argumentation of trial cases such as “Sopoti”, “Brodeci”, “Monster” and “Kumanova”, through an investigative commussion or an independent international panel.

The Albanian parties also want a resolution which will condemn the genocide against the Albanian people in Macedonia from 1912 to 1956, economic equality and social welfare through equal development of the regions, and fair decision-making for funding local governments.

They also want a fair representation in the Army, Secret Service and Judiciary. They also want a significant role as regards the relations with neighbors, Greece and Bulgaria.

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