During his visit to Tirana a few weeks ago, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky requested cooperation with the Albanian government in the co-production of military weapons.
This idea is being advanced by the Albanian government with the release for public consultation of the draft law on “Regulation of the production, trade, research and development of weapons, ammunition, equipment and military technologies”.
It is expected that this draft law will be among the first for discussions in parliamentary committees, and then parliament in the September session.
The draft law foresees that the revival of the Albanian arms production industry will be entrusted to the “Defense Industry Agency, which will be part of the Ministry of Defense”.
In the draft law, it is emphasized that all Albanian or foreign companies that will apply for licensing will have to plan an initial investment of at least 25 million euros.
After qualifying and obtaining the license, these companies will have zero tax profit for the first 10 years of activity.
Albania has had a significant arms industry that flourished especially in the 70s and 80s during communist rule, after its then ally China helped build several factories.
Albania had the weapons and ammunition combine in Poliçan, including the weapons and ammunition factory in Cekin in Gramsh.
They produced SKS rifles, Kalashnikovs, and several other weapons, while also involving the explosives plant in Elbasan and the MiG aircraft repair lines in Kuçova.
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