Albanian-German economic forum: “New chapter of cooperation”

08/07/2015 00:00

The State Secretary of the German Ministry of Economy, Rainer Bake,
declared that the visit of Chancellor Merkel in Tirana opens a new
chapter in the economic relations between the two countries.

“Germany is an important economic partner of Albania for mutual exchange of goods. We have exchanged more than 200 million EUR of exchanges in the past years. Trade is going on the right direction. These economic relations should expand and today would give new impulses. We are conviced that the German companies will build a strong position in Albania”, Rainer declared.

 Bake said that Germany aims to have more investments in Albania, but they need more security and transparency, especially in the environment, energy, infrastructure and tourism areas.

The judiciary situation and property ownership issues remain the main problems for foreig investments.

“We expect legal security, especially for purchase of properties”, said the German businessman, Michael Ulmer.

The Minister of Economy, Arben Ahmetaj, declared that the Albanian government is determined to make it easier for foreign investments to come to Albania. He said that our country climbed 40 spots in the list of positive countries for businesses. A series of other laws are being approved, that will increase the security for businesses,such as the Public and Private Partnership.

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