Albanian Foreign Minister: “EU lacks of enlargement spirit”

25/11/2016 00:00

In an interview for EuroAktiv, the Foreign Minister of Albania, Ditmir
Bushati, expressed his regret that despite the good collaboration
between the EU and Balkan countries, there is a lack of collaboration
spirit when it is about enlargement.

“There’s a good cooperation between the EU and Balkan countries, but when it is about starting the negotiation accessions, there is often a lack of political spirit. The process lacks of this spirit in general. Sometimes we forget that the EU enlargement in Balkan is symbol of free Europe”, Bushati said.

When asked if he sees the EU focused towards the East, after Brexit, Bushati was skeptical again:

“I don’t think that the focus of Europe is moving towards that direction.I don’t think that our countries will be ready for accession anytime soon. It is more about putting together a strategy so that our societies will be ready when the time for accession comes”, Bushati said.

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