Albanian diplomacy in crisis

08/03/2013 00:00

While the Albanian government pays millions each year for lobbying
companies, the official diplomatic missions of Albania in the most
powerful countries are facing a survival crisis.

Top Channel published an official document of the Albanian Embassy in the US, which shows that the embassy is bankrupt and unable to pay for the daily spending of the diplomats.

The letter signed by Ambassador Gilbert Galanxhi is addressed to the General Secretary at the Foreign Ministry, Gazmend Turdiu, and it has also been sent to the Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, and the Albanian Foreign Minister, Edmond Panariti.

“After analyzing the budget 2013 for the Embassy, I can clearly say that it is fictive and unrealizable. You are removing the responsibility from yourself and putting it on the ambassador. You’re saying us that these are our funds, now do whatever you can'”, says the Albanian ambassador in the US.

Galanxhi continues with strong remarks, showing the shameful situation of the Albanian representation in the most powerful country of the world.

“I remind you that the US Embassy in Washington, one of the most important embassies of the Albanian state, has no driver, no technical secretaries and no cleaners. I believe that this is a unique case that an Embassy in Washington has no driver”, the letter continues.

“This is situation is created in a very absurd and unjustifiable way from the diplomatic and political view. Have we forgotten why we have an embassy in the US? Only to pay the obligatory bills, or to represent Albania’s interests? The embassies have turned into instruments that solve the problems of the Finance Directory, when it should be the contrary”, Galanxhi adds.

The Budget 2013 provides 176.000 USD for the rent, while the real payment for the office and residence of the ambassador is $15.437 monthly.

This means that the real cost of the rent is 185.000, 9000 more than the fund. For this, Galanxhi asks in the letter.

“Where should the ambassador find 9250 USD? Should we seek aid?”

The Albanian embassy building in USA has been closed for the last two years and it is under construction. Although the deadline of the reconstruction is expiring, the Albanian government has not started the  works yet.

The budget for the travels is $2500  annually, while the real cost only for the first two months is 2488.

The ambassador says that he has only 12 dollars left to cover any travel in the US for the nine remaining months. With that money he has to follow the annual activities of the State Protocol and of the White House, he has to accompany the Albanian President or Prime Minister with that money, without mentioning the fact that he has to present the credential to the Dominican Republic.

The dramatic financial situation has obliged the embassy to not make the obligatory vehicle inspection for their three cars.

The ambassador also says that the Albanian government has not paid even Albanian businesses in America for their services.

“You and your finance directory should resolve the problems by offering logical and realizable alternatives. Your alternative ‘there’s no money so don’t pay the rent’ is shameful, a shame that should be on the government. Is this instruction still valid for 2013”, the ambassador asks.

“Please give me an official instruction if I should leave the residence and the office, because I cannot do anything with minus 1000 USD”.

Government pays mediating companies

While the Albanian government doesn’t pay its own diplomatic mission in the US, the budget money are being used to pay two expensive American companies for lobbying.

“Podesta” and “Patton Boggs” have received 1.5 million USD from the Albanian government, or 7.1% of the total budget for the Foreign Ministry, or 10% of the total fund that the government pays for the all diplomatic missions through the world.

Podesta and Patton Boggs have been paid since 2008, based on a politically biased agreement that obliges Patton Boggs to lobby in the American politics for improving the image of the Albanian politicians. They have to arrange interviews for American media outlets and prepare the Albanian officials for the interviews, and secure positive economic studies on Albania from the American institutions.

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