Albanian courts are left without judges, trials protracted by the vetting process dismissals

06/03/2020 18:12

Not only the Supreme Court of Albania, but already the Courts of Appeal are facing accumulation of files and delayed trials.

A recent study informs that during 2016 -2019, the six Courts of Appeal are facing an influx of cases as judges are dismissed from the vetting process.

“We are about to close the Court of Appeal in Korça, Vlora, Shkodra, this is intolerable, it is not possible that a judge reviewing security measures, to review the foundation, ”stated lawyer Saimir Visha.

“Mechanisms need to be found for replacing the judges, this should be done by the School of Magistrates. Prior to the start of the process, Albania had about 12 judges per 100,000 inhabitants, while the European average is 21 judges per 100,000 inhabitants, ”stated Gert Shella, head of the public information center.

The decisions of the two stages of the vetting process have dismissed so far 98 judges and prosecutors while 91 of them have been confirmed to their roles. This has happened during the two-year vetting process that began in March 2018, while another 600 expected to undergo the process.

So far the dismissals have had an effect on the Constitutional Court, the Prosecutor’s Office and the Supreme Court, where over 34,000 files are accumulated.

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