In preparation for the Christmas celebration, Top Channel went to the Gjoshe family, where the lady of the house was putting the finishing touches on the table for the festive night, filling it with sweets, wine, lighted candles, the Nativity scene and red flowers.
“What I want to single out among my childhood memories is Kolendra Day, the traditional Christmas folk songs. We used to gather all the children of the neighborhood and go from house to house, knock on the door and sing a song that I have included in my book “, says the lady of the house.
Lefteri Gjosha adds further: “I also remember that my mother was preparing the Nativity scene in a corner of the house. If it snowed, the children also prepared the snowman and whichever neighborhood made it the most beautiful, received the star as a reward.”
“So far I have ready the baklava, the brushtulla that I made it melts in your mouth. I’ve taken out the lamb and then I will prepare the salads. Our family will go to church tomorrow morning and then we will all sit for lunch. Our house is now full as our nephew and niece, both students abroad, have also arrived. I wish all Albanians good luck and health”, says housewife Lefteri Gjosh.
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