Albanian candidates for the European Parliament elections

09/04/2019 19:00

As the European elections get closer, many Albanian candidates could enter the EP.

Adnan Dibrani, Socialist MP at the Swedish Parliament, born in Mitrovica and living in Sweden since when he was 7; Amet Gjana, MP in the Brusels area, the first Albanian MP of this area; are two of the names that are running for the elections of the European Parliament.

In Belgium there are four other Albanian candidates, part of the Socialist Party: Luiza Duraki, Habibe Duraki, Avni Gjanj and Qendresa Gerlica.

From Greece, there’s Eda Gemin and Fatos Malaj, running for the European Parliament, through PASOK, and also Arjana Barjaba, who runs for Athens’ Municipal Council.

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