Today “Sultan Novruz” is celebrated by the Albanian Muslim Bektashi believers, which symbolizes the spring revival, the birth of hope, in a new day with prayers for a better future.
The bektashi shrine of Baba Selim in the Hambar of Cakran in southwestern Albania, like every year, hosted thousands of believers.
Hundreds of vehicles with devotees have headed to the holy place since the early hours of this morning, to join the pilgrimage and the rituals of this day. But the remote location and the unmaintained road meant that not all the Bektashi believers arrived in the destination, due to the blockage of the roads by the flow of vehicles.
There are more than 3 km of road leading to this holy place in the barn of Cakran, where for years there has been no investment, although the sacred place is visited often.
Nevruzi” comes from Persian language and means “New Day”, while “Sultan” is the title that defines the importance of this day.
The festival of Sultan Novruz arrived in the Albanian world together with the Bektashi faith, in the XV-XVI centuries.
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