Albania to shelter 210 Mujahedins

16/03/2013 00:00

Albania will shelter the 210 Iranians as refugees. The promise was given
by PM Berisha, saying that this is a result of a 6-month dialogue with

These are not some citizens in need, but members of an organization that were considered terrorist by the US State Department until September 21st of the last year. The history of this organization is very long and with diplomatic and military complications.

Mujahedin Khalik, or the Organization of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, internationally known as MEK, is led by Islamic Marxists who supported the Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979. After breaking up with the new Islamic regime, they moved to Iraq where they were under the protection of Sadam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran war.

They were declared a terrorist organization by the US in 1997, but after the fall of Hussein’s regime, in 2003, the organization was considered the opposition in exile of the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

With strong diplomatic support in Washington, the Obama administration removed the organization from the terrorist list, despite Teheran’s appeals against this decision. They are sheltered in a US military base in Iraq, and the UN was negotiating for their transfer. Although their headquarters are in Paris, France, Albania was the only country that accepted to shelter the members of the former terrorist organization.

The US State Department states that the promise was given by Prime Minister Sali Berisha, during Hillary Clinton’s visit in Albania. Barbara Leaf from the US State Department congratulated PM Berisha and declared that he is being a true friend of the US.

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