Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture will travel to Moscow in
an effort to stop the embargo that Russia has placed on Albanian
products and that enters in effect on December 8th.
This decision of Moscow came after the embargo on EU countries, which trade with Albania increase.
This made Russian authorities suspect about the origin of these products. The Russian Ministry of Agriculture explains that after an investigation, it was foundout that the certifications were falsified, and that these goods entered Russia through Belarus and Kazakhstan, by following the same route of Albanian products.
The Ministry of Agriculture say that they took measures for increasing the security elements, so that the Albanian certificate is not falsified. They asked the Russian authorities to exchange information regarding imports. It seems that this wasn’t enough for the Russian authorities.
“Our official stance is that this action of the Russian side is not justified, because Albania has not violated any export rule with the Russian Federation”, declared the Albanian Minister of Agriculture, Edmond Panariti.
Exports with Russia are very small, but for the Ministry of Agriculture, the damage is very big because the Albanian exports to Russia have been increasing in the past years.
Minister Panariti says that this comes because the Russian market is still not explored by the Albanian products and is good potential for the future.
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