Albania-Kosovo trade has significantly dropped

03/04/2017 00:00

Official figures show that the trade between Kosovo and Albania has
dropped, despite frequent meetings held between governments of both
countries for inreasing economic cooperation.

The Albanian Institution of Statistics shows that the exports from Albania to Kosovo have dropped with 6% in 2013, and 20% in 2016. Import seems in more stable levels.

Kosovo businesses prefer products coming from Serbia, while Albanain businesses products coming from Greece.

“There is a psychological obsession. Albanian businesses prefer Greek products and Kosovo businesses, paradoxally, the Serbian products. Businesses and governments of both countries need to meet more frequently”, declared Blerand Stavileci, Kosovo Minister of Development.

Businesses complain for customs procedures. “There is a monopolized market. You need to pay 13.000 ALL in customs for 100.000 ALL of goods. There are other barriers, sanitary certifications, etc”, said Alban Zusi, business representative.

The Minister of Economy, Milva Ekonomi, said that similar labs in both countries could help for quicker results, but while Albania has recently received a certified lab, Kosovo has yet to take it.

The US Vice Ambassador, David Muniz, said that Albania and Kosovo are very small markets, but united they can be stronger.

To attract more US investments, Muniz says, both countries must continue with the reforms. The key reform for Albania is the judiciary one.

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