The Albanian Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bishati, was interviewed by CNN
today, in which he answered to journalist Backy Anderson about the help
that Albania is giving for the coalition in the fight against ISIS.
“Albania has co-sponsored the Resolution of the UN Security Council for foreign terrorist fighters, and also for the international coalition led by the USA. The answer of our government was immediate and extensive. We have contributed in the assistance of the Iraqi government, by sending ammunition. We have also taken measures for discouraging the phenomenon of foreign fighters. Let’s not forget the preventive measures. Albania has a consolidated religious co-existence that was shown during the Pope’s visit in Tirana, a few weeks ago. We have worked with the highest religious representatives for finding an efficient answer, so that we prevent radicalization. But we are not alone in this. This is an international phenomenon”, Bushati declared.
The journalist of “Connect the World” asked Mr.Bushati if there was any internal danger for Albania by giving supply to the anti-ISIS fighters.
“Allow me to be very clear. Albania is a European and secular country, where religious and state matters are separate from each other. We have a society where Muslim and Christian Europans live in peace and harmony. We do not feel threatened. Certainly, we must understand that this is not an Albanian phenomenon, but a Balkan one. Balkan is not a source of new fighters, but there is a real danger due to the geographical position, and I believe that all Balkan countries are endangered, especially if these fighters return to their countries of origin. They are certainly a danger, especially when social structures are not sufficient, political stability is weak and social cohesion is still unformed and where ethnic relations are still complicated, such as the case of Balkans, and there are no exceptions for this case”, the Albanian Foreign Minister declared.
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